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Completion requirements

5. Activity Submissions and Grading

How to Submit an Assignment Activity

On the page of each activity, after the Submission area at the bottom, there is a "Add Submission" button. Once you click it, you can either upload a file or type text, depending on the type of activity.

Next, scroll down again if necessary.

File Submission

If it’s a file submission, a submission addition box will appear where you can drag and drop the file or click to select a file from your computer. Note that depending on the activity, there may be restrictions based on acceptable file types, the number of attachments, and the limit in MBytes.

After uploading the file, click "Save Changes."

Text Submission

For some activities, instead of submitting a file, you may be asked to submit text. In this case, a text editor box will open as shown in the image below.

When dealing with a URL link, it’s good practice to make the link active using the text editor’s toolbar icon.  



Completing the Activity

Attention! After submission, an assignment is not considered complete. The system will mark the assignment as complete at a later time once you receive a passing grade (1) from your instructor. The completion criteria and their status are displayed at the top of the activity page.

Editing and Deleting Submissions

After making a submission, instead of the "Add" button, you will now see "Edit" and "Delete Submission" buttons. Use the first to modify a submission and the second to completely delete it and make a new one.

Edit/Delete Submission Only When:

  • You have uploaded the wrong file in the submission.
  • You have received negative feedback from your instructor and are within the deadline to make a second submission.

Attention! Never edit/delete a submission that has been graded and is considered complete. Doing so will result in losing your grade and it will need to be graded again.

Assignment Submission Status

On the page of each assignment-type activity, at the bottom, the Submission Status is also shown. This indicates if a grade has been given, if feedback has been provided by your instructor, and other information.

Incomplete/Insufficient Submission

If your submission is deemed incomplete or insufficient by your instructor, no grade will be assigned but feedback will be provided noting the issue. You can then make the necessary corrections and either modify the existing submission or delete and add a new one, provided the deadline has not passed.

Κατάσταση υποβολής

Sufficient Submission

If your submission is deemed sufficient, you will receive a grade of 1 and positive feedback.


How to Submit in a Forum Activity

Submitting in a forum activity is simply done by posting in the specific forum:

  • In a new discussion topic, or
  • In a reply to an existing discussion topic.

The instructions for each forum specify which of the two you should do.

Submission Deadlines for Activities

As mentioned in the seminar process, participants are required to complete the necessary activities and submit them through the platform within a 2-week period. Instructors review the activities and provide feedback to participants within this 2-week period (+2-3 days).

Only in the case of an incorrect first submission does the participant have until the end of the 3rd week to submit a revised submission for the activity, which will be reassessed by the instructor. All activities "lock" once the 3-week period has passed.

Grading Scale

The grading scale for all activities is set at 0 or 1:

  • 0: No submission or deemed insufficient because it does not meet the minimum grading criteria. In practice, a grade of 0 is never given but remains as No Grade, which is equivalent to 0.
  • 1: There is a submission that meets the minimum grading criteria.

Submission and Grading Stages

Once you submit an assignment within the 2-week deadline, it moves to the status of "TO BE GRADED." When your instructor reviews it, one of the following will occur:

  • If deemed "sufficient" it will be graded with 1 and considered COMPLETED.
  • If deemed "insufficient," suitable feedback will be added which you can read on the activity page. You will then need to correct and resubmit your response to the activity. In this case, an additional week is added to the submission deadline. For example, you submit in the 1st week, receive feedback in the 2nd week, and resubmit in the 3rd week.

Attention: If you have already submitted and been graded with 1 for an assignment and deliberately or accidentally modify the submission, it will automatically revert to "TO BE GRADED" status and you will lose your grade. In this case, you must contact your group's instructor to re-grade the submission, making sure to save the grade.

Delay in Grading or Feedback

Instructors are required to grade or provide feedback within the 2-week deadline + 3 days. However, sometimes due to workload or other issues, instructors may delay checking activities. The administrative team monitors instructors' "attendance" and ensures they are updated or replaced if they cannot meet their obligations.

If you have not received a grade or feedback within the above deadline, then:

  • First, try to contact the instructor politely via email or the platform.
  • If you do not receive a response or if the issue is not resolved within 2-3 days, then contact your coordinator.